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Membership for Health Care Facility, Construction and Design Professionals


ASHE Member Mosaic


ASHE is Your One Trusted Resource For Optimizing the Health Care Built Environment

The American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE) is the largest association dedicated to optimizing the health care built environment. ASHE’s 12,000+ members design, build, and operate hospitals, and are involved in improving the health care physical environment from the time hospital blueprints are drawn throughout the lifespan of a facility. ASHE is a professional membership group of the American Hospital Association.

Joining ASHE provides you with access to a robust network of trusted resources to further enhance your experience as a professional working in health care. Explore the society’s benefits below and join ASHE today!


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Chapters Across the US


Top Member Benefits

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Members receive discounts on ASHE educational training programs and conferences.

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Receive credentials in health care facility management and construction through ASHE's professional certifications.

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Resource Library

Access monographs and compliance tools, stay up-to-date with publications and alerts, and receive support from the ASHE advocacy team.



Join 12,000+ others in the members-only networking community. Learn, share, and connect with fellow healthcare professionals nationwide online and via e-mail.

Career and Networking icon

Career & Networking Resources

Gain access to the member directory, and become eligible for awards and recognition on the regional and national level.




Is ASHE Membership right for you?


Educator | Student Members | Retired Members

Student Members include full-time college students taking coursework related to any discipline represented by ASHE. Bring your unique perspective to the community and make a positive impact in the field, as well as the health care industry at large. Students and career changers, click here to discover your future in health care facilities management.

Educator Members include full-time educators that teach coursework related to any discipline represented by ASHE. Bring your unique perspective to the community and make a positive impact in the field, as well as the health care industry at large. Educators, click here. 

Retired Membership is available to Professional Active Members who have fully retired and still desire to belong to the Society. Retired Members may vote, serve on committees and participate in the Actions for Professional Excellence (APEx) recognition program, but may not hold office unless they are a current CHFM. To join as a Retired Member, please contact


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