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The Health Care Facilities Management Handbook Series

ASHE is thrilled to introduce a trailblazing new series offering the first consistent, authoritative resource on health care facilities management to ensure that all health care facilities managers (HFMs) can easily obtain the same, essential baseline information they need to do their jobs effectively.

The Health Care Facilities Management Handbook Series will also:

  • Create a rich repository of information and insights from experts in the field of health care facilities management to help newcomers gain a comfortable level of familiarity with common terms and practices and to assist veterans in the field with continuing their career development.
  • Raise awareness of health care facilities management as a critical, viable and desirable profession by illuminating the nature of the job and correcting common misperceptions, thereby helping to transform health care facilities management from a historically accidental career into a chosen one.
  • Explain the comprehensive positive impact HFMs can have on health care facility functions while supporting the integration of HFMs into key conversations and decisions made in the facility, providing insight into important issues such as minimizing interruptions of service and identifying opportunities for improvement and profitability.




This competency-based series will be created in tandem with new education courses from ASHE.
Our handbooks and education courses will cover the following topics:


intoduction icon

Introduction to Health Care
Facilities Management

Now Available

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Health Care Project Management

Now Available

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Coming soon!

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Coming Q4 2024

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Maintenance and Operations

Coming Q1 2025

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Coming Q3 2025

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Coming Q4 2025


ASHE is planning to release 1-2 books a year. Check back for details and sign up for our emails!