COVID-19 Pandemic Planning Strategies & Solutions for Consideration | Presented by Grainger
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Grainger is committed to helping you keep your operations up and running during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The health and safety of their team members, customers and business partners are at the center of all their decisions and response efforts. Grainger's foundational organization capabilities and solutions enable them to support critical healthcare operations such as air quality, safety, security, emergency preparedness and infection prevention.
As an ASHE Corporate Sponsor Grainger is proud to be able to offer this webinar. During this webinar Grainger and its key service partners HSS and BCS will present COVID-19 Pandemic Planning Strategies & Solutions for Consideration.
Learning objectives:
- Review practices on how access control measures can decrease burden on health care security personnel and increase staff availability to support other areas of the organization.
- Discuss different strategies on how effective barriers and screening of the public can mitigate potential risks to health care facilities and staff.
- Develop a better understanding and options for isolation and infectious control requirements surrounding admissions.
- Develop a better understanding and options for isolation and infectious control requirements for infected patients.
Please Note: This is Lunch & Learn is not eligible for CECs.
DISCLAIMER: The views expressed by presenters in this Lunch & Learn should not be construed as directly representing the views of the American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE). ASHE does not endorse any products or services promoted in this Lunch & Learn.