Energy to Care Dashboard
About Dashboard
ASHE’s Energy to Care Dashboard Tool offers an at-a-glance view of health care facilities' energy use. Designed to reduce user burden, the Energy to Care dashboard is easy to use.
There’s a misconception that sustainability programs and energy management are time consuming, but they don’t have to be. Sometimes the biggest impact to energy savings are made with simple changes. With the Energy to Care Dashboard’s benchmarks and monitoring, it only takes 15 minutes a day to impact around half of your facility’s budget.
The dashboard includes a number of features that will provide added benefits to Energy to Care participants, including:
- Clean and Simple Interface
- Customized Information for AHA/ASHE Members
- Energy to Care Award progress for each site
- Energy to Care Chapter Challenge reporting
- ENERGY STAR® Data Options
- Existing ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager data can be imported
- ENERGY STAR® logins are no longer required
- Energy and facility data can be directly uploaded with Microsoft Excel templates
- Data can be exported to ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager
- New ENERGY STAR® score widget for convenient monitoring and updates
- Energy and Cost Data Widgets
- Monthly utility bill consumption and cost database
- Energy Cost Index (ECI) monitoring
- Energy cost savings
- Energy Usage Index (EUI) monitoring
- Annual and monthly energy performance measurement and verification
- Weather data (HDD/CDD) overlays
- Utility bill fault detection:
- Gaps in data due to potentially missing utility bills
- Duplicative utility bills
- Significant increases in monthly energy consumption and cost
How to Create a New Account
You will need the following information to sign up:
- Organization Administrator Name (See A Note About Energy to Care Dashboard Roles)
- Organization Name (Company Name)
- Address
- Telephone
- Building Name
- Building Address
- Location Type (General Medical and Surgical, Medical Office Building, etc.)
- Time Zone
To create a new account, click the “Access Dashboard” button below and complete the following steps:
- The button will take you to the Energy to Care Dashboard gateway.
- Select “Create New Account” under the User Name and Password forms.
- Select “Request New Organization” to begin the onboarding process.
- Fill out the Personal Account Information and Organization Information, then Submit Request. Once your organization has been approved, you will receive access to create a building in your account.
Once your organization has been approved, you will receive access to create a building in your account.
How to Use the Dashboard
Energy to Care Dashboard User Guide
The purpose of this User Guide is to provide users with comprehensive and detailed instructions for getting started and interfacing with the Energy to Care Dashboard.
ENERGY STAR® Property Sharing with ASHE Energy to Care
Download this guide to set-up the ASHE Energy to Care system to transfer information on buildings and utility data from the ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager system.
Orientation Workshop
ASHE's Energy to Care Dashboard Orientation Workshops provide health care staff and other key stakeholders in the ASHE Energy to Care Program training on the dashboard’s tools and features. Participants will review the various service lines offered through the Energy to Care Program and become familiar with the dashboard’s energy management capabilities. Additionally, participants will learn how to set up new user and building accounts, navigate through the widgets and menu options, and generate reporting and personalized views for analysis purposes.
A Note About Energy to Care Dashboard Roles
The Dashboard provides four possible roles for each Energy to Care User Account:
- Existing Organization Administrator: Select this if you are your organization’s existing ENERGY STAR Property Data Administrator.
- New Organization Administrator: Select this if you did not have data shared with ASHE via ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager.
- New Subscriber: Select this if you are requesting access to buildings in existing organizations.
- Existing Subscriber: Select this if you are requesting access to new hospital buildings in their organization.
The Organization Administrator will manage the account for all buildings associated with the organization. Additionally, this individual will allow for subscriber rights to other users, including other organization members and any partner companies that might need access.
A Note About Data Sharing
Your data will not be distributed or shared with any other entity without the express written consent of the participating health care system Click here to review the Energy to Care Data Use Policy. In some instances facilities find it necessary to share their accounts with individuals outside of their organization. In these events, ASHE requires express written consent from the participating facility prior to authorizing users. If you wish to share your Energy to Care Data with individuals outside of your organization complete the Energy to Care Organization Administrator must complete this form and submit to ASHE energytocare@aha.org. ASHE will provide access to the account once this form has been received.
Question? Please contact the Energy to Care Helpdesk at energytocare@aha.org.