Converting alternate care sites to patient space options
Note: During emergencies, it is important that activities be coordinated through the organization’s incident command system. Activities outside of an organization’s command structure should be coordinated with the local, county and state incident command systems. This enables effective and efficient incident management within common organizational structures.
ASHE Definition of Alternate Care Site (ACS)
An Alternate Care Site (ACS) is any building or structure not currently being used for health care that is temporarily converted or constructed for health care use during an urgent need in capacity to provide additional capability for an affected community, outside the walls of a health care facility.
Informative Notes
An ACS includes spaces such as, but not limited to: hotels, arenas, barracks and dorms, tents, closed hospitals, and modular units. ACS does not include the conversion of non-patient care space within the walls of a current hospital converted for use during a surge event, nor does it include equipment stored and ready for deployment in a site outside of the walls of a current hospital. A health care facility is defined in 2012 NFPA 99 3.3.71.
Making Space for Patients
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, our nation’s hospitals are preparing for an exponential number of patients in need of care. But the approximately 920,000 staffed hospital beds in the U.S. currently cannot accommodate the estimated millions of patients who will require medical care. It is vital that we seek and implement ways to increase patient capacity across the country by making additional spaces for our patients. The American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE) is compiling guidance to help you and your health care facilities create those spaces. Please review these resources, featuring work from The Center for Health Design, USACE and more.
Thank you for your tireless efforts to combat this pandemic. If your facility is finding success with alternate care sites, please let us know by emailing ashe@aha.org or calling (312) 422-3800. We are committed to sharing your successes, advice and stories across the health care community.
- Alternate Care Sites HVAC Guidebook
The United States Army Core of Engineering was tasked with the design and construction of Alternate Care Sites (ACS) to relieve the strain on the healthcare system during the coronavirus pandemic. To help with future design and construction of ACS’s, the ASHRAE Alternate Care Sites Task Force was convened upon the request to the ASHRAE Epidemic Task Force to provide engineering recommendations, solutions and guidance to address the HVAC systems for ACS. The ASHRAE Alternate Care Task Force that ASHE participated on, developed a guide specific to COVID-19 patient care but would be generally applicable to similar viruses transmitted as airborne infectious aerosols and through droplets.
ASHRAE, US Army Corps of Engineers
- CMS Releases Alternate Care Site Payment Resource
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued a fact sheet regarding payment for care in hospital alternate care sites.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
- VIDEO: A Balancing Act: Housing COVID-19 Responders and the Return of Guest Demand
- AHA/ASHE Webinar Recording: COVID-19 Alternative Sites of Care Conversations
Recorded Thursday, April 9
As hospitals and health systems prepare for COVID-19 patient surge, alternative sites of care can offer space and capacity. University of Maryland Medical Center shared their experiences on setting up a field hospital at the Baltimore City Convention Center to create surge capacity. HGA and the Boldt Company discussed using prefabricated modules as an option for alternative sites of care and their partnership to deploy this solution.
- VIDEO: ASHE COVID-19 Alternate Care Site Mini Series_ Town Hall - Lessons Learned
- CDC Recommendations for Alternate Sites
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- HHS Recommendations for Alternate Sites
Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response
- Alternate Care Sites
USACE materials for helping states and municipalities address potential shortage in medical facilities
US Army Corps of Engineers
Alternate Care Sites – Hotel Conversion
Hotel-Hospital COVID-19 Response Playbook
A guide for handling hotel-hospital conversions during a crisis.
The American Hotel and Lodging Association, American Society for Healthcare Engineering, Oliver Wyman
What If… We Used a Hotel for Patients?
COVID-19 Response Concept Study - HKS
Hotel to Healthcare Concept
US Army Corps of Engineers
Hotel Conversion Representation
VIDEO: ASHE COVID 19 Alternate Care Site Mini Series: Converting Hotels to Patient Space
Connecting Hotels and Hospitals
- MakingRoom Connecting hotels and hospitals with urgent needs for space
The Center for Health Design
- AHLA’s Hospitality for Hope Initiative
American Hotel & Lodging Association
Alternate Care Sites – School Conversion
What If… We Used a School for Patients?
COVID-19 Response Concept Study - HKS
VIDEO: ASHE COVID 19 Alternate Care Site Mini Series: Schools
Alternate Care Sites – Container or Modular Structure Conversion
Utilizing Highly-Engineered Quick-Ship Modular Products for Current Isolation Environment Demands
Webinar Recording - HGA Architects and Engineers
Container Conversion Representation
Alternate Care Sites – Structured Parking
Before You Repurpose Structured Parking for COVID-19 Patients
On Demand Recording
Watry Design, Inc.
Before You Repurpose Structured Parking for COVID-19 Patients
Important Safety Information
Watry Design, Inc
Additional Considerations
- IAHSS Security Design Guidelines for Healthcare Facilities (2020)
- Medical Air and Oxygen Capacity Tools
The COVID-19 Surge Planning: Piped Medical Gas Consumption Evaluation Tool was designed to help hospitals and health systems evaluate piped medical gas system capacity.- Ventilator capacity for existing medical gas systems
A tool, provided by Kaiser Permanente National Facilities Services, provides ventilator capacity based on piping sizes to assist in determining how many ventilators can be served by an existing medical gas system in a given patient care area.
Kaiser Permanente National Facilities Services
- Sizing of medical gas systems for alternate care sites
A tool, provided by Beacon Medaes, provides guidance on the sizing of medical gas systems for COVID-19 emergency units.
- VIDEO: Handling and Connecting Medical Gas Cylinders Safely
- Medical Air and Oxygen Capacity Assessment Tool
During the global pandemic many health systems and hospitals were evaluating the capacity of the medical gas system in their facilities in order to treat afflicted patients with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The COVID-19 Surge Planning: Piped Medical Gas Consumption Evaluation Tool was designed to help hospitals and health systems evaluate piped medical gas system capacity. The tool is able to show the usage of a particular medical gas system while different types of therapies are in use.
- Ventilator capacity for existing medical gas systems
- Structures Used for Temporary Healthcare Use
ICC provides guidance on temporary use health care structures such as tents, membrane structures and existing buildings and the code implications regarding the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) additional flexibility in hospital standards to aid in the expansion of services to fight the COVID-19 pandemic.
International Code Council
- NFPA responds to the coronavirus
As the pandemic stresses the health care system, critical fire and life safety needs must be balanced with patient care in hospitals as well as new temporary makeshift facilities.
Additional Resources
COVID-19 resources for health care facilities
This timely ASHE resource page covering emergency preparedness, infection control and more assists health care facilities managers in their efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 by keeping the physical environment safe.
View COVID-19 ResourcesMy ASHE Online Community
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