Silk Typhoon cyberthreat group targets IT supply chain

A Microsoft report published March 5 identified recent tactics by Silk Typhoon, a Chinese state-sponsored cyberthreat group known for extensive espionage activities. The group has been recently targeting IT solutions such as remote management tools and cloud applications to gain access and potentially cause supply chain disruptions. Silk Typhoon is viewed as a significant threat to critical infrastructure, the Health Information Sharing and Analysis Center said.
“Silk Typhoon is a highly skilled group and it has shown the ability to move rapidly and exploit unpatched vulnerabilities in systems,” said Scott Gee, AHA deputy national advisor for cybersecurity and risk. “The best way for hospitals to defend themselves is focusing on the basics of cybersecurity like patch management.”
For more information on this or other cyber and risk issues, contact Gee at For the latest cyber and risk resources and threat intelligence, visit