Research/COVID Response Tactics Sharing (CRTS)
ASHE report tracks health care's response to COVID-19
Results from ASHE's COVID Response Tactics Sharing (CRTS) survey details surge-related preparation and response strategies deployed by health care facilities across the U.S. This research includes nearly 1,200 respondents representing 12 different roles from the health care engineering field. This report, which is part of a continuing series, details early decisions made by health care facilities at the start of the pandemic, tracks activities related to maintaining routine clinical operations during active surges, and more. The CRTS project is designed to help the field and those supporting health facilities operations learn about trends and best practices to help respond to and prepare for similar crises in the future.
Guidance and Research
- ASHE Alert: ASHE issues recommendation for OR use during COVID-19
The association recommends that health care organizations perform surgeries and other procedures on COVID-19 positive patients following the same guidelines for active TB patients.
American Society for Health Care Engineering
- ASHE Alert: Developing a first responder policy for COVID-19 units
ASHE has issued recommendations for health care organizations to develop emergency and/or fire response policies and procedures that will help limit exposure for those responding to emergencies in these isolated spaces.
American Society for Health Care Engineering
- Expedient Methods for Surge Airborne Isolation within Healthcare Settings during Response to a Natural or Manmade Epidemic
Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
- Interim Pre-pandemic Planning Guidance: Community Strategy for Pandemic Influenza Mitigation in the United States—
Early, Targeted, Layered Use of Nonpharmaceutical Interventions
Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- ASHE supports The Center for Health Design Knowledge Repository, a collection of research papers dedicated to the built environment. Visit this link for COVID-19 resources for health care facilities.
COVID-19 Resources for Health Care Facilities
The Center for Health Design
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response Resources from ASHRAE, including:
- ASHRAE Position Document on Airborne Infectious Diseases
- IEQ Applications: Designing for Airborne Infection Control - July 2019
- Improved Ventilation System For Removal of Airborne Contamination in Airborne Infectious Isolation Rooms - Feb 2019
- Bioaerosols in Health-Care Environments - Aug 2014
- IAQ Applications: Ventilation, Crowds, and the Common Cold - Feb 2014
- IAQ Applications: Hospital Surge Capacity - Sept 2011
- Health Issues: HVAC & Infectious Diseases - June 2009
- NFPA responds to the coronavirus
As the pandemic stresses the health care system, critical fire and life safety needs must be balanced with patient care in hospitals as well as new temporary makeshift facilities.
NFPA - Airborne Infectious Disease Management
Methods for Temporary Negative Pressure Isolation
Minnesota Department of Health
- New insights on antimicrobial efficacy of copper surfaces in the healthcare environment: a systematic review
Clinical Microbiology and Infection
- Surface sampling within a pediatric ward—how multiple factors affect cleaning efficacy
American Journal of Infection Control
Additional Resources
COVID-19 resources for health care facilities
This timely ASHE resource page covering emergency preparedness, infection control and more assists health care facilities managers in their efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 by keeping the physical environment safe.
View COVID-19 ResourcesCOVID Response Tactics Sharing Survey
Help us gather and compare COVID-19 experiences with this short survey. Your participation will help ASHE evaluate strategies, share lessons learned and plan for the future.
Participate NowStrategies For Reimagining Health Care
AHA Transformation Talks
Learn more about Lessons Learned From The Pandemic and Future Facility Planning and download the abstract or report.