ASHE launches two new programs for year-round education

CHICAGO – The American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE) has launched two exciting, new programs for 2020: ASHE Academy and ASHE Education Showcases. ASHE Academy provides an intensive learning environment led by experienced leaders in health care facility management. It will be held twice a year in different locations offering a variety of educational opportunities. In 2020, ASHE Academy will be held in Nashville, TN from May 4-8 and Las Vegas, NV from November 9-13. Detailed information about the programming and schedule can be found at

ASHE will also be hosting five Education Showcases in centrally located Chicago. Attendees will join ASHE’s trusted faculty at the American Hospital Association’s headquarters to expand skill sets and network with health care peers. Registration for all programs are now open, and the first showcase featuring education on NFPA 99 and accreditation survey readiness will kick off Feb. 10-11 in Chicago. For program descriptions and registration information, visit


About ASHE
The American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE) is a professional membership group of the American Hospital Association. More than 12,000 members rely on ASHE as a critical source of professional development, information and advocacy, including representation on key issues that affect their work in the health care physical environment. For more information about ASHE, contact 312-422-3800 or visit