ASHE Recognizes Member Achievements Within the Field

July 17, 2019

CHICAGO – The American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE) of the American Hospital Association is celebrating the outstanding contributions its members have made to improve the health care physical environment. ASHE presented several awards during its 56th Annual Conference and Technical Exhibition July 14-17 in Baltimore. 

The Crystal Eagle Leadership Award, considered ASHE’s “lifetime achievement” award, was presented to York Chan, SASHE, CHFM, CHC. Presently, he is the Vice President of Facilities Integration for Advocate Aurora Health, a system of 28 acute care hospitals in Illinois and Wisconsin. He served as a Board member of the American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE) from 2008 through 2012. York is a Certified Healthcare Facilities Manager as well as a Certified Healthcare Constructor. Currently, York is faculty for ASHE teaching various classes in “Healthcare Construction”, “Managing Accreditation” and “Healthcare Maintenance Fundamentals”. York previously served as faculty for Joint Commission Resources and taught the "Environment of Care Base Camp" and “Exploring the Life Safety Chapter” programs. He has also conducted custom education sessions for the Department of Defense, Veterans Administration and numerous health care organizations throughout the United States. He has served as faculty for the Joint Commission Satellite Network (JCSN) and the Joint Commission Resources Quality and Safety Network, teaching internet, satellite and web-based environment of care programs. York received the 2017 ASHE President’s Award, and his passion for the health care facility management field and tireless pursuit to share his knowledge with others are among the key reasons why ASHE selected him for the 2019 Crystal Eagle Leadership Award.

The ASHE President’s Award, which is presented at the discretion of the sitting ASHE president to an individual who goes above and beyond to optimize the health care physical environment, was presented to Linda L. Dickey, RN, MPH, CPHQ, CIC, FAPIC, Senior Director of Epidemiology and Infection Prevention at UCI Health in Orange, California. Dickey’s background includes direct nursing experience in adult critical care and over 20 years of experience in Epidemiology & Infection Prevention, with most recent experience in Quality and Patient Safety. She has worked as an infection preventionist in both Florida and California, serving as president-elect for the Florida Professionals in Infection Control, treasurer for the California APIC Coordinating Council and president for her local Orange County APIC chapter. Since 2004, Linda has spoken at numerous events, including APIC chapter meetings and national conferences. Linda also currently represents APIC on the board of FGI Guidelines and with ASHRAE 188, which published a new standard in 2016 for Legionella management. Linda has been a faculty member for the American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE) since 2006, speaking nationally and internationally on health care design, construction and most recently, water management plan development. In addition, she was the project leader behind a recently published CDC-sponsored infection prevention publication titled “Using the Health Care Physical Environment to Prevent and Control Infection.”

ASHE President Dean M. Pufahl, CHFM, CHC, said, “Linda, in her leadership roles in APIC, has not only addressed many challenges in her own profession, but through her collaborative nature has extended her talent and knowledge to supporting ASHE’s mission as well. Linda is a great example of an exceptional individual who has given her time and expertise to create a better built environment for our patients.” 

Also at the Annual Conference, ASHE recognized members who attained senior (SASHE) and fellow (FASHE) status within ASHE. 

The SASHE designation is bestowed upon those who have been ASHE members in good standing for at least five years and have supported ASHE in terms of education and leadership. The following members are new SASHE recipients: 

  • Joshua Brackett, SASHE, CHFM, Baptist Health System, Little Rock, Arkansas
  • Danielle Gathje, SASHE, CHFM, Fairview Health Services, St. Paul, Minnesota
  • Jason W. Lea, SASHE, CPE, CHFM, North Mississippi Medical Center – Tupelo, Tupelo, Mississippi
  • Sandra A. McCurdy, SASHE, CHFM, Sodexo Health Care, Weymouth, MA

The FASHE designation is bestowed upon those who have been ASHE members in good standing for at least seven years and have contributed to the field through education, leadership and written contributions. The following members are new FASHE recipients:

  • Edward M. Browne, FASHE, CHC, CHFM, Cambridge Health Alliance, Arlington, Massachusetts
  • Garold M. Hamilton, FASHE, PE, LEED-AP, WSP, Arlington, Virginia
  • RenĂ©e R. Jacobs, FASHE, CHFM, CHC, Johnson Controls Inc., Lenexa, Kansas

ASHE’s Regional Leader Award recognizes people for their contributions to the fields of health care engineering and facility management; planning, design, and construction; safety; clinical and biomedical engineering; and technical management. 

  • Region 1: Brenda Ann Michaud, CHFM, Cayuga Medical Center at Ithaca, Ithaca, New York
  • Region 2: Marvin W. Smith, PE, Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, Pennsylvania
  • Region 3: Scott J. Mathis, CHC, CHFM, Berkeley Medical Center, Martinsburg, West Virginia
  • Region 4: Kenneth W. Ozment, CHFM, CHC, Floyd Medical Center, Rome, Georgia
  • Region 5: Scott Burcroff, CHFM, Parkview Health, Fort Wayne, Indiana
  • Region 6: Michael Neely, CHFM, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • Region 7: Troy Ledet, Terrebonne General Medical Center, Houma, Louisiana
  • Region 8: Terry E. Banister, CHFM, Barnes St. Peters and Progress West, St. Peters, Missouri
  • Region 9: Jacob Daniel Linhart, CHFM, CHC, Carondelet St. Joseph's Hospital, Tucson, Arizona
  • Region 10: Anthony W. Moiso, CHFM, Pali Momi Medical Center, Aiea, Hawaii

For more information on ASHE awards, visit


About ASHE
The American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE) is a professional membership group of the American Hospital Association. More than 12,000 members rely on ASHE as a critical source of professional development, information and advocacy, including representation on key issues that affect their work in the health care physical environment. For more information about ASHE, contact 312-422-3800 or visit