The Health Care Facilities Tailored Benchmarking (HFTB) Program
You’ve asked, we're delivering.
Valid and reliable health care facility benchmarking data is integral to ensuring you have what you need to make key decisions with confidence. This tailored program will consider essential differentiating factors (e.g., facility type, size, current financial reporting structure) so that benchmarking works for all health care facility types. For example, tailored measurement will account for systematic differences across:
- Independent stand-alone hospitals
- Larger hospital systems and networks
- Rural hospitals
- Critical Access hospitals
- Long Term Care (LTCs)
- Stand-alone ED’s, surgery centers
In order for us to create such tailored programming, we need your input at each step of the benchmarking process! If you work within a health care organization in facilities management daily operations, please sign up to join the benchmarking network by clicking the link below.

Health Care Facilities Tailored Benchmarking Program
Join Our Program Network
Joining this network will allow you to:
- Learn more about the program and spread the word to others.
- Share your input and expertise on how the program should be set up and conducted.
- Contribute your organization's data (after the program has been set up).
- Obtain benchmarking reports.
ASHE wants to be open and transparent with you and our process. Over the next two years, we will:
- Listen and collect field information to best determine what key benchmarking data YOU want.
- Launch data collection.
- Develop a tailored benchmarking report and potentially create other innovative tools, including an interactive dashboard.
Questions? Please contact ASHE's Senior Research Strategist, Lisa Walt at lwalt@aha.org.