AHA Stat Blog


by Nancy Agee
Opioid addiction is a mounting public health crisis. Individuals with substance use disorder are struggling with a brain disease.
by Rick Pollack
The AHA Physician Alliance supports clinical and administrative leadership collaborating effectively for better health of communities.
by Tom Nickels
Axios Vitals recent story on hospitals’ Medicare margins seemed to cherry pick data from a March Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) report to Congress to imply that hospitals “lose money” on Medicare because they are allegedly inefficient.
Eating healthful foods is important for good health, but individuals and households that are “food insecure” face challenges when it comes to getting enough food, consuming high-quality food or both.
by Rick Pollack
The AHA’s 49th Annual Membership Meeting, May 6-9, comes at a critical time for the hospital and health care field. And its theme – Redefining the “H” – could not be more appropriate.
by Nancy Agee
Hospitals and health systems across the country are collaborating with organizations in their communities to address food insecurity and housing, the opioid epidemic and other challenges that influence health and well-being.
by Rick Pollack
Patient Safety Awareness Week is an opportunity for hospitals and health systems to reflect on their patient safety journey and share their progress. 
by Nancy Foster
The second year of the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) required by the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) began on Jan. 1.
by Nancy Agee
Please take the opportunity this week to share your work and resources on patient safety, safety culture and patient engagement with your community.
by Rick Pollack
Health care is changing…and hospitals and health systems are transforming to meet the evolving needs of our patients and communities.
by Nancy Agee
Hospitals and health systems are using health IT to engage patients, improve care coordination and better communicate across care settings.
by Rick Pollack
The AHA has shared recommendations to stem the tide of the deadly opioid epidemic.
by Ryan Frazier
How do you fully recover from a Category 5 storm? And plan for the next one? Those are the questions Puerto Rico’s hospital leaders continue to ask five months after Hurricane Maria’s 155-miles-per hour winds left the island’s health system on life support. 
by Nancy Foster
Does receiving a penalty under Medicare’s Hospital-Acquired Condition (HAC) program really mean a hospital is a poor performer? An online article published February 16 in the Journal for Healthcare Quality by the AHA and KNG Health Consulting shows that getting a HAC penalty resembles a game of chance for many hospitals, rather than a fair and meaningful determination of their performance in caring for patients with complex health needs.  
by Nancy Agee
Quality must be the top priority of any hospital or health system—there simply is no alternative. And it takes all of us working together.
by Rick Pollack
Our thoughts are with the families of the victims of this senseless tragedy. They are also with the dedicated people of Broward County’s hospitals.
by Tom Nickels
The U.S. health care system is facing a prescription drug spending crisis fueled by staggering increases in recent years in the price of drugs.
by Rick Pollack
Every day, Olympic-sized talent, dedication and drive are on display at hospitals and health systems across America.
by Tom Nickels
The hearing today by the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations on the impact of health care consolidation presented a one-sided perspective on the benefits of hospital mergers.
by Rick Pollack
Together, we made a real difference for our patients and our communities.