Infection Prevention: Collaborations in Design and Construction
Speakers: Tim Peglow, Pamela Redden, Richard Rucksdashel, Jayson Casallo
This presentation addresses the facility implications in planning for infection transmission prevention, recommendations for developing an infection prevention team, and insights from project leaders.
Date: 2018 PDC Summit Duration: 59:49

NEW! Putting Competition Aside Architects Collaborate to Eliminate HAIs
Speakers: Cathleen Lange, Paula Wright, Teresa Wilson, Shawn Seaman, and Alison Faecher
Discover the story, process, and solutions architects and health care leaders take to eliminate health care-associated infections.
Date: 2018 PDC Summit Duration: 1:03:36

Lunch and Learn Webinar: Preventing Waterborne Diseases with Filtration
Speaker: Shane Sullivan
Learn how to stop the growth and spread of waterborne pathogens such as Legionella with the help of filtration tools. Sponsored by Grainger.
Date: September 20, 2018 Duration: 0:26:56

Demystifying Hand Hygiene Compliance Across the Health Care Continuum of Care
Review the core elements of a hand hygiene program for health care settings and gain insight into evidence based strategies to improve compliance with hand hygiene amongst providers and support staff.
Date: May 24, 2016 Duration: 1:03:37

Improving Infection Prevention and Control Through Facility Design
Speakers: Dale Woodin, Barbara Edson, Carolyn V. Gould, Dana Swenson, George Mills, and Linda Dickey
Overcome one of health care's top challenges, infection prevention, through facility design. A three part discussion with industry thought leaders.
Date: 2016 PDC Summit Duration: 1:11:16

Building to Save Lives: Incorporating Infection Prevention into Planning, Design, and Construction
Speakers: Bob Bedard, Gordon Burrill, Eileen Clarkson
Health care facilities-acquired infections (HAIs) have become a key focus for many health care organizations and regulatory authorities. Often, HAIs are caused by pathogens deposited during construction that occurred years or even decades ago and are raised during renovation and maintenance activities. Implementing innovative construction techniques during new construction can significantly reduce and potentially eliminate these legacy HAIs.
Date: 2014 PDC Summit Duration: 01:02:01