Health Care Construction Workshop Banner - patient safety, infection control, contractor education

Health Care Construction Workshop

Improve your ability to accurately apply key construction concepts unique to the health care setting.

Prepare yourself and your project team to work in the health care physical environment, which is different than other construction locations. Avoid potential patient safety risks through discovering the expectations hospital owners have related to the identification, mitigation, management and documentation of unique health care construction risks.

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Self-paced, interactive, convenient and available year-round. You have 90 days to complete the e-learning from the time you register.


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Can’t send your team off-site to get the training they need? Let us bring the educational opportunities to you! Bring ASHE’s expert faculty members to your organization.

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Ensure that you and your organization can leverage a patient-first mindset during all phases of construction projects. Expand your project leadership to understand how to best collaborate with health care facilities to ensure accurate code compliance and proper risk assessment. Learn the necessary concepts through e-learning prework. Follow with practicing effective solutions during the hands-on workshop to discover what owners, staff and patients expect of contractors working in health care environment.

What you will learn:

  • Review the key concepts applied during health care construction projects.
  • Identify necessary strategies to successful risk assessment before, after and during construction, including steps to infection prevention.
  • Discuss mitigation, management and documentation of the health care construction processes.
  • Apply all necessary concepts during hands-on case studies.



Why should you take the Health Care Construction Workshop?



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ASHE members save on educational programs and much more! Members benefit from best-in-class tools, products, education, and training to ensure a safe environment for workers, hospital staff, visitors, and patients.

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