COVID-19 Resources for Health Care Facilities
ASHE has created a resource page to assist health care facilities professionals in their efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The resources cover critical operations such as air quality, safety and security, emergency preparedness and infection prevention.
Please bookmark this page and check back often as we continue to update this information as needed.
Top COVID-19 Resources
- COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions
- Negative Pressure Patient Room Options
- ASHE issues recommendation for OR use during COVID-19
- Converting alternate care sites to patient space options
- COVID Response Tactics Sharing (CRTS)
- Monoclonal antibody (mAb) infusion therapy treatment space
- Is your facility coronavirus vaccine ready?
- FDA warns against using certain respirators
Certain respirators from China no longer authorized for emergency use
American Hospital Association
- CMS suspends majority of survey activity until April 10, 2020
In S&C Letter QSO-20-20-All CMS expanded on their March 4 S&C Letter QSO-20-12-All by suspending all survey activity except compliant/facility-reported incident surveys and targeted infection control surveys for three weeks. Additionally, CLIA surveys will be prioritized based on immediate jeopardy situations over recertification surveys.
- CMS Takes Action Nationwide to Aggressively Respond to Coronavirus National Emergency
CMS report from March 13, 2020 regarding declaration of national emergency
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
- The Joint Commission to Suspend Surveying in Response to COVID-19 Outbreak
March 16, 2020
American Hospital Association
- Monoclonal antibody (mAb) infusion therapy treatment space
Ensuring safety in COVID-19 infusion therapy treatment spaces
American Society for Health Care Engineering
- Lessons learned from extended incident command operations
What we've learned during the pandemic's first wave that can help guide continuing incident command procedures
Health Facilities Management
- Selection and Preparation for Cryogenic Vaccine Storage
This article provides the reader with baseline information to help discern which type of system will work best given their facility’s existing infrastructure.
American Society for Health Care Engineering
- Thoughtful responses to COVID-19 pandemic
ASHE's advocacy team highlights three factors to help guide organizations in their decision-making processes.
Health Facilities Management
- Planning Successful and Safe Health Care Construction Projects During the Global Pandemic
This new ASHE resource shares best practices to help health care construction professionals develop, implement, monitor and adjust specific protocols that will help keep construction projects on track without increasing the spread of COVID-19.
American Society for Health Care Engineering
- Weighing the benefits and challenges of patient cohorting
Factors health professionals should consider when planning patient care arrangements during a pandemic.
Health Facilities Management
- Managing water systems during COVID-19
ASHE points to water system best practices as previously shuttered facilities reopen to help absorb patient surge.
Health Facilities Management
- Air quality and infection prevention
The facility engineer’s often overlooked role in ensuring patient safety.
Health Facilities Management
On Demand Videos

Health Care Facilities & COVID-19 Safety: What You Need to Know PUBLIC
Speaker: Jonathan Flannery
ASHE’s senior associate director of advocacy, provides a brief overview of COVID-19 and its far-reaching impact. This webinar recording for health care facilities professionals will cover how to best prepare your facility.
Date: March 17, 2020 Duration: 1:01:25
Not an ASHE member? Complete this quick form and receive immediate access to the webinar recording.

COVID-19 Alternate Care Sites: Utilizing Highly-Engineered Quick-Ship Modular Products for Current Isolation Environment Demands PUBLIC
Speakers: Kyle Weisman, Jeff Harris, Krista McDonald Biason
With the constantly evolving criteria required to address the surge of patients impacted by the COVID-19 virus, there are many options that health care organizations will explore and deploy. Options consist of revising existing clinical spaces, to renovating nonclinical spaces like hotels and conventions centers, to bringing temporary tents and structures on-site to house patients. When the need for true airborne infection isolation rooms (AIIRs) is required, a prefabricated, modular and scalable option is a viable alternative. The design team will share the concept of a self-sufficient, quick-ship free-standing hospital and the kit of parts architectural and engineering systems required to support this mission that meets the intent of the CDC recommendations.
Date: April 10, 2020 Duration: 0:43:29

Determining Air Changes Per Hour (ACH) in the Field PUBLIC
Speakers: Josh Brackett
How to determine Air Changes Per Hour (ACH) in the field.
Date: December 2, 2020 Duration: 0:06:04
- Airborne Contaminant Removal table
Air changes/hour (ACH) and time required for airborne-contaminant removal by efficiency.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention- VIDEO: Determining Air Changes Per Hour (ACH) in the Field
American Society for Health Care Engineering
- VIDEO: Determining Air Changes Per Hour (ACH) in the Field
- Medical Air and Oxygen Capacity Tools
- Ventilator capacity for existing medical gas systems
A tool, provided by Kaiser Permanente National Facilities Services, provides ventilator capacity based on piping sizes to assist in determining how many ventilators can be served by an existing medical gas system in a given patient care area.
- Sizing of medical gas systems for alternate care sites
A tool, provided by Beacon Medaes, provides guidance on the sizing of medical gas systems for COVID-19 emergency units.
- VIDEO: Handling and Connecting Medical Gas Cylinders Safely
- Ventilator capacity for existing medical gas systems
COVID Response Tactics Sharing Survey
Help us gather and compare COVID-19 experiences with this short survey. Your participation will help ASHE evaluate strategies, share lessons learned and plan for the future.
Participate NowPandemic Recovery Planning Webinar Series
Recordings available for ASHE’s Free Pandemic Recovery Webinar Series.
COVID-19: Business Partners Resource Roundup
MEMBERS-ONLYA members-only community in which business partners can post messages, offers and resources to assist health care facilities leaders during the COVID-19 crisis.
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