Managing Water Safety for Construction Tool

This tool leverages existing core infection control risk assessment (ICRA) principles to establish a framework for water safety management during health care construction and renovation projects.
Health facilities water management teams often need to weigh both the increasing and diversifying demands of new renovation and building projects while also satisfying regulatory requirements around water management.
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In addition, the article "Reducing the Risk of Healthcare Associated Infections from Legionella and Other Water Management for Construction (WMC) Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA) Tool" from the May 2022 Infectious Disease Reports journal names construction and renovation projects as a risk factor for waterborne pathogen growth.
For more information on this topic, please consult the HFM article "Managing Water Safety for Hospital Construction".
The ASHE ICRA 2.0™ Toolkit provides for a comprehensive approach to the ICRA process. Learn more at