AHA responds to Medicare $2 Drug List Model request for information
The AHA Dec. 9 said it supports a potential Medicare $2 Drug List Model, where people enrolled in a Part D plan would have access to certain prescription drugs for a low, fixed copayment no higher than $2 for a month’s supply per drug.
"Providing low, fixed copayments for common generic drugs, as CMS proposed, could help increase medication adherence and improve health outcomes," AHA wrote. "This model would standardize cost sharing for certain drugs for beneficiaries with Medicare Part D enrolled in a participating plan and their health care providers."
The AHA provided recommendations for how to account for shortages in the approved drug list and for public rulemaking to update the drug list annually, as well as feedback on potential quality measures for the model. Additional details on the request for information can be found on the M2DL webpage. Comments on the model are due to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today and must be submitted through a survey portal.