Connections: March 2025 | Q1 Newsletter
In this issue:
- Important Chapter Due Dates
- Energy to Care Awards Season is Nearly Upon Us!
- Sign-Up for the 2025 Quarterly Chapter Calls!
- Help Create Data-Backed Concealed Sprinkler Inspection Requirements
- Get Your Chapter Trained in 2025 with ASHE Hosted Programs
- Train Those New to the Field with ASHE’s Health Care Facilities Management Essentials Series
- Explore the First-of-Its-Kind, ASHE Core Competency Framework™
- Chapter Resources
Important Chapter Due Dates
Chapter Annual Report and Awards Application — due April 1, 2025
The Chapter Annual Report Awards Program application portal is open! As a reminder, chapters are required to complete the Chapter Annual Report to maintain American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE) Chapter status. This report ensures that ASHE has the correct list of chapter officers and verifies that Chapters have met the criteria to maintain Chapter status.
The Chapter Awards Program provides Chapters with opportunities to promote their programs and events to ASHE members and to receive additional recognition for their work in the previous year.
As a reminder, each section’s documents (i.e., communications, insurance, budget, etc.) will need to be submitted in a single .pdf, .docx, .xlsx or zip file. Adobe has easy-to-follow instructions on how to combine files into a single pdf, and Microsoft has instructions on how to create a zipped file. Note that each section will have its own upload field.
Chapter Annual Report and Awards Application
Questions? Contact Jenny Hull, lead specialist for ASHE governance and chapter relations, at jhull@aha.org or schedule a call.
Chapter Awards Program vouchers — multiple due dates
The voucher request forms for the 2024 Chapter Awards are now open! Below is important information on how to request the vouchers to recognize work done in 2023 and redeemed in 2025. Like last year, chapter members/recipients will request their vouchers by completing online forms, which are linked below or can be accessed here.
Please note the following due dates for the voucher requests. Requests submitted after the due dates will not be fulfilled.
Due date — June 30, 2025:
Health Care Facilities Innovation Conference™ registration fee voucher form
Due date — October 31, 2025:
ASHE membership dues voucher form
ASHE publications voucher form (Platinum/Platinum Elite and Gold Chapters only)
As a reminder, your chapter’s award status can be found here. The quantity and types of vouchers given per each award status is outlined in the Chapter Awards Program Guide.
Contact Jenny Hull at jhull@aha.org with any questions.
2026 Chapter Challenge — commitment form due on April 1, 2025
The Energy to Care™ Chapter Challenge program allows ASHE Chapters to participate in a friendly competition to reduce their energy consumption. Participating in the challenge is also one of the five criteria chapters must meet to obtain “Elite” status in the Chapter Awards Program. To qualify for “Elite” status in the 2026 Chapter Awards, chapters will need to commit and participate in the 2026 Chapter Challenge. The 2026 Chapter Challenge commitment form will close on April 1, 2025.
Chapter Challenge Information and the 2026 Chapter Challenge Commitment Form
Questions? Contact Austin Wallace, senior specialist for ASHE sustainability, at awallace@aha.org.
2025 Emerging Regional Leader Award application — due on April 1, 2024
This award recognizes 10 exceptional emerging leaders, one from each ASHE region, for demonstrating exceptional commitment to the field and an interest in developing further leadership skills. Young professionals and professionals new to the field who wish to advance their careers and advance on their path to becoming leaders in ASHE and in the field should consider applying. Learn more about the Emerging Regional Award and submit the application.
Contact Erin Horng, lead specialist for ASHE membership, at echorng@aha.org with any questions.
Energy to Care Awards Season is Nearly Upon Us!
Ensure your facility receives the outstanding recognition it deserves by updating your data and verifying your utility accuracy within the Energy to Care Dashboard. The deadline to have data verified and applications submitted for the Sustained Performance, Sustainability Champions and 2026 Chapter Challenge participation is April 1. Learn more about the Energy to Care Awards.
Contact Austin Wallace, senior specialist for ASHE sustainability, at awallace@aha.org with any questions.
Sign-Up for the 2025 Quarterly Chapter Calls!
This year, the 2025 Quarterly Chapter Calls have been scheduled as webinars and all attendees will need to register to attend. This change will increase security, allow us to pull measurable data from the calls and allow chapter leaders to add these calls to their calendar in advance.
Click on the below links to register for the remaining 2025 Quarterly Chapter Calls:
- Q2 Chapter call – Wednesday, June 4 at 12:05 p.m. CT
- Q3 Chapter call – Wednesday, Sept. 3 at 12:05 p.m. CT
- Q4 Chapter call – Wednesday, Dec. 3 at 12:05 p.m. CT
Help Create Data-Backed Concealed Sprinkler Inspection Requirements
ASHE is asking health care facilities across the U.S. to help it improve inspection requirements for concealed fire sprinklers by submitting data on their sprinkler inventory by April 15. ASHE Chapter leaders can help spread the news by encouraging members to get involved in this code development process. Information submitted to the ASHE Concealed Sprinkler Data Collection Project will be used to recommend practical testing requirements to the National Fire Protection Association, ensuring requirements uphold safety while considering the cost and effort necessary to inspect, test and maintain concealed fire sprinklers. Questions? Contact Jim Peterkin at jim.peterkin@tlc-eng.com.
Get Your Chapter Trained in 2025 with ASHE Hosted Programs
ASHE Hosted Programs allow ASHE Chapters, health care organizations and private companies as well as government and military groups to deliver the highest quality educational programming focused on optimizing the health care physical environment in the marketplace without having to spend money to develop that training curriculum on their own. Programming ASHE hosted programs that align with ASHE’s core competency frameworks and product pathways can help your chapter’s customers, members and community to successfully progress in their career development.
ASHE Chapters such as the Arkansas Association for Healthcare Engineering Inc., Healthcare Engineers Society of Northern Illinois, Indiana Society for Healthcare Engineering, Kansas City Area Healthcare Engineers, New England Healthcare Engineers’ Society, North Carolina Healthcare Engineers Association Inc., Northern Ohio Society for Healthcare Engineering, Oklahoma Association of Healthcare Engineers, Texas Association of Healthcare Facilities Management, Virginia Society of Healthcare Engineers and Washington State Society for Healthcare Engineering as well as the ASHE Region 6 Conference have all leveraged ASHE Hosted Programs to help educate their members.
Get started on bringing in-person, live online and On Demand ASHE Hosted Program education to your chapter members. Learn more about how ASHE Hosted Programs can support your chapter’s member professional development needs.
Please note that:
- All requests should be submitted 90 days before the desired program date via the request form.
- Education programs are provided on a first-come, first-served basis and are subject to faculty availability.
- There is a minimum fee for 1 to 25 attendees for all programs (except for the Health Care Construction Workshop, which has a minimum fee for 1 to 40 attendees).
Train Those New to the Field with ASHE’s Health Care Facilities Management Essentials Series
ASHE is thrilled to share its trailblazing series offering the first consistent, authoritative resource on health care facilities management to ensure that all health care facilities managers can easily obtain the same, essential baseline information they need to do their jobs effectively. The series is made up of handbooks and educational programs. Choose a handbook for a repository of best practices and information you can continually reference, perfect orientations for early careerists' first years on the job and reliable resources for those beyond. Choose an educational program for practice implementing key concepts.
Get connected with this one-of-its-kind educational opportunity today.
Explore the First-of-Its-Kind, ASHE Core Competency Framework™
Find the resources you need.
Ensure you have the right combination of skills.
Succeed in your career and positively impact care delivery.
Health care facilities have become increasingly complex, and health care facilities managers must have a combination of skills, knowledge and ability to effectively lead a multidisciplinary team that can identify, prioritize and resolve an ever-adapting list of issues. The ASHE Core Competency Framework charts out key skills of health care facilities management and offers education, resources and tools to help professionals fill knowledge gaps in each area. Becoming an expert in each of the eight core competencies — and having a comprehensive understanding of their impact on care delivery — will ensure you are current in your professional expertise and primed for advancement in the field. Most importantly, the framework helps facilities managers gain the understanding needed to ensure patients and health care providers have a safe, comfortable and cost-efficient environment.
Begin your journey with the ASHE’s Core Competency Framework here.
Chapter Resources
- Chapter Calendar — Your go-to source for all upcoming ASHE due dates, calls and events, as well as a space to share your Chapter’s upcoming events. If you’d like to add your event to the calendar, please submit the Chapter Calendar Request Form.
- Chapter Communications and Meeting Recordings — Miss a Chapter Leader/Liaison call or can’t find an important Chapter communication? All Chapter communications, recordings and PowerPoints are saved here.
- Chapter Contacts Update Form — Make sure you and your Chapter are receiving all important ASHE communications! Fill out the contact update form when your Chapter’s officers or support staff change, or if you need someone added to the communications distribution list.