Proposed Changes Related To Water Management for HAP, CAH, and NCC Programs Field Review
The Joint Commission is proposing a new water management program standard for the Hospital (HAP), Critical Access Hospital (CAH), and Nursing Care Center (NCC) accreditation programs and is requesting comments regarding the proposed changes. The proposed changes aim to strengthen TJC requirements regarding water management programs and focus on the implementation of a comprehensive water management program.
The proposed changes will eliminate EC.02.05.01 EP 14 regarding minimization of pathogenic biological agents in cooling towers, domestic hot and cold water systems and other aerosolizing water systems and introduces a new standard, EC.02.05.02, which will require hospitals, critical access hospitals and nursing care centers to have a water management program which includes an individual or team responsible for the program, basic diagrams of water systems, a water risk management plan, a plan for addressing stagnant water events and water monitoring protocols with control measures.
For more information and how to comment on the proposed changes see the Joint Commission announcement.