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Assembling and engaging knowledgeable and passionate staff to be a part of your Green Team is truly the key to making a difference when it comes to your energy and sustainability performance.
The standard number changed to 189.3 and first issuance in 2017 to the parent document 189.1 integrating into the International Green Construction Code® (IgCC).
Compliance Tools
Use this worksheet to periodically check for reactive maintenance concerns that could be wasting time and energy. Focusing first on squeaky wheels (reactive maintenance) makes your energy program more relevant to the daily work and problems faced by your maintenance team. Get your RCx agent or energy team leader involved in this process, along with your AC supervisor and mechanics.
Lunch and Learn
Learn about plant optimization and the variety of approaches used for minimizing costs. Understand the steps towards an optimized plant. Hear a few use cases of recent Johnson Controls plant optimization projects.
Support your efforts to strengthen your energy procurement and resiliency policies and finance your sustainability projects.
Best practices for financing energy sustainability are described with an emphasis on helping hospitals and associated decision-makers – including professionals from supply chain, facilities, finance, sustainability, and public health – navigate the challenges associated with investing in the carbon reduction goals that health care is being asked to implement.