The American Hospital Association (AHA) shares certification information on Certified Materials & Resources Professional (CMRP), Certified Professional in Health Care Risk Management (CPHRM), Certified Health Care Environmental Services Professional (CHESP), Certified Health Care Facility Manager (CHFM), Certified Health Care Constructor (CHC), Mechanic Evaluation and Certification for Health Care (MECH) and other certifications offered through its AHA Certification Center for employees of hospitals and health systems.
Prepare for the MECH or Sr. MECH exam with resources from ASHE! Gain a competitive edge in the job market when you obtain your MECH certification.
Everyone who works on a health care site -- from those doing a day of construction work to those with full-time positions in a hospital -- should understand the complex health care environment.
This book outlines critical information that contractors, subcontractors, and others need to know when working on health care projects, including infection prevention practices, utility system shutdowns, and more.
Start preparing for the Certified Health Care Facility Manager (CHFM) exam. Test topics may include: compliance, planning, design, and construction, maintenance & operations, finance, and administration.
Certified Health Care Constructor (CHC) professionals have a nuanced understanding of completing construction projects in the health care setting.
The American Society for Health Care Engineering offers professional certifications to develop leaders in the health care facility, construction, and design field.