
Decarbonization is reducing CO2 emissions resulting from human activity, with the eventual goal of eliminating them. In practice, getting to zero net emissions requires shifting from fossil fuels to alternative low-carbon energy sources.

These articles discuss different topics in health care ranging from environmental and health equity to the energy cost of running all the equipment in a health care setting.
The intent of this toolkit is to provide resources that will help you reduce energy consumption and get the most value out of the Energy to Care program.
About This Event Join us for this 90 minute interactive health equity conversation! Dr. Jeff Thompson will speak about the disparate health impacts of environmental issues and the role of hospitals to promote healthy environments for the communities they serve. Participants will then join…
Free e-learning courses that offer guidance for achieving your energy efficiency goals.
Use actual data to estimate the benefits that would come from participating in the Energy to Care Program.
Kathleen Stanley from CLEAResult Consulting sat down with Sturdy Memorial Hospital’s utility manager Russ Reeves to discuss the success he has had in energy efficiency for the hospital.