Compliance Tools

This document provides a comparison of the regulations applicable to most hospitals. It is important to verify the editions of the codes and standards that are applicable in your jurisdiction. Some jurisdictions may have adopted a different edition of the building code for construction. Many states…
Hospitals and health systems are working to address the environmental risks associated with the care of patients at risk for suicide and self-harm. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is currently creating comprehensive interpretive guidance, which will incorporate Joint…
This Useful Service Life (USL) Assessment Tool and Facilities Condition Index (FCI) Calculator tool will allow you to calculate your infrastructure health.
This training video provides a brief explanation on how temperature and relative humidity affect one another.How to buy/build your own beaker set 
Developed by a group of experts, this Excel file can be used by health care organizations to assess their vulnerabilities and help manage their emergency preparedness programs. ASHE members are permitted to adapt this Excel tool for use at their facilities. Below is the Excel file and a PDF showing…
This checklist can help health care facilities inspect fire doors to ensure compliance with Joint Commission standard LS.02.01.10.
The emergency power supply system (EPSS) is a critical hospital system, and its failure to function in a power outage can have tragic results. Not all authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs) look at documentation of weekly inspections. Nonetheless, a weekly visual inspection is highly…