Best Practices in Energy Procurement

Energy managers are required to make complex procurement decisions in America-s most dynamic market. Facility engineers, health care procurement professionals, and designers must understand concepts of energy procurement as an integrated part of the facility design process. This session will review ASHE-s new performance improvement measure related to energy procurement and draw on case studies from Cleveland Clinic and SSM Health to illustrate how health care owners can optimize utility contracting for both existing and new buildings.

Learning Objectives:

  • Navigate the dynamic new energy markets.
  • Explore new best practices in energy procurement.
  • Apply best practices in the context of new construction.
  • Teach key hospital stakeholders to participate in best energy practices.

Walter Vernon, PE, LEED AP, EDAC, FASHE, Chief Operating Officer, Mazzetti
Mark Mininberg, JD, Founder, President, and CEO, Hospital Energy
Craig Onori, VP Operations, Lehigh Valley Health Network

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