Blazing a trail through innovation and leadership in sustainability

Aurora Medical Center – Manitowoc County in Wisconsin has been harnessing the power of renewable energy since 2017, when the facility installed solar panels on its lower roof.

Carilion Rockbridge Community Hospital
As part of a broader energy management plan, the hospital partnered with utility companies WPPI Energy and Two Rivers Water and Light to install a solar array. The array’s solar panels generate 70,000 kilowatt-hours, which offsets costs that can be redirected to patient care. The energy significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions, tying into the hospital’s decarbonization goals. 

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Lunch and Learn
We hope you can attend this session to learn more about the new and emerging health care technologies designed to meet patient and business needs.
Use actual data to estimate the benefits that would come from participating in the Energy to Care Program.
One tool for benchmarking health care facilities is Energy Star’s Portfolio Manager.
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