AHA Stat Blog


by Priya Bathija and Duane Reynolds
Many hospitals and health systems are reducing costs and improving health outcomes by addressing disparities head on, write Priya Bathija, vice president of AHA’s The Value Initiative, and Duane Reynolds, president and CEO of AHA’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity.
by Brian Gragnolati
Our nation’s freedom is safeguarded by our brave women and men in uniform, who willingly risk their lives for love of country and ask nothing in return except for the chance, when the time comes, to successfully return to civilian life.  
by Rick Pollack
From all of us here at the AHA, thank you to every veteran who has defended our country … and our freedom.
by Andy Shin
In this blog, Andy Shin, chief operating officer of the AHA Center for Health Innovation, discusses an ecosystem approach to health care transformation.
by Elisa Arespacochaga and Andy Shin
Elisa Arespacochaga, vice president of the AHA Physician Alliance, and Andy Shin, chief operating officer at the AHA Center for Health Innovation, share takeaways from the Schwarz Center’s 2019 conference on creating health care cultures of compassion.
by Brian Gragnolati
This week, AHA leaders are sharing the emergency preparedness efforts of America’s hospitals and health systems at the 43rd World Hospital Congress of the International Hospital Federation in Oman.
by Rick Pollack
There’s no better time for hospitals and health systems to help spread the word about open enrollment and help their communities get covered.
A new study from Georgetown University’s Center on Health Insurance Reforms (CHIR) is another one-sided view of the changing health care landscape that has several key limitations that make it a less than useful view of hospital mergers. 
by Maryjane Wurth
Maryjane Wurth, AHA executive vice president and COO, previews a new blog series focused on innovation and transformation.
by Brian Gragnolati
Cultivating the right future leaders and caregivers is essential for top-quality patient care.
by Rick Pollack
In order to succeed, we need the best people.
by Raymond Waller
In the AHA Stat Blog marking National Addiction Treatment Week, Raymond Waller, hospital administrator at Ascension Brighton Center for Recovery in Brighton, Mich., and 2020 chair of AHA’s Behavioral Health Council, urges readers to ask their members of Congress to cosponsor this AHA-supported legislation to reduce the nation’s shortage of opioid treatment providers.
by Brian Gragnolati
As we seek innovative ways to improve the health of our communities, it is more important than ever for hospitals and health systems to partner with others.
by Rick Pollack
By removing outdated barriers to teamwork, hospitals and doctors will be able to advance health in America.
by Mary Lou Mastro
Several AHA resources are available to help improve access to behavioral health care, writes Mary Lou Mastro, R.N., president and CEO of Edward-Elmhurst Health in Illinois, in this AHA Stat Blog.
by Robyn Begley, DNP, RN, CEO of the American Organization for Nursing Leadership
In this AHA Stat blog, Robyn Begley, AHA senior vice president and CEO of the American Organization for Nursing Leadership, discusses how hiring and empowering nurses who reflect the communities they serve can improve quality and the patient experience.
by Brian Gragnolati
“Get vaccinated” is a message everyone should hear, and hospitals and health systems are the ideal partners to spread it.
by Rick Pollack
The AHA is proud to be your partner in keeping your data — and your patients — safe.
by Rick Pollack
Regarding Modern Healthcare's Sept.
by Brian Gragnolati
Hospitals and health systems are leading transformative efforts to provide better care at lower costs for patients and communities.