AHA Stat Blog


by Jay Bhatt
Last week’s Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care brought together individuals across the health care system for a conversation to accelerate, amplify and take action toward creating a better future. 
by Nancy Agee
We look ahead with optimism as we advance the goals of improving health care quality, equity, access and affordability for all Americans.  
by Rick Pollack
As we all work to reduce cost and improve value; deliver superior outcomes; create new innovative delivery models; and develop new strategic alliances, there’s great opportunity for innovation.
by Jay Bhatt
When many of the brightest people in the health care field gather for some epic brainstorming to predict what the future of health care will look like, the results deserve our attention.
by Elisa Arespacochaga
In this AHA Stat blog post, Elisa Arespacochaga, vice president of AHA's Physician Alliance, highlights how three organizations – HCA Healthcare, Erlanger Health System and the Minnesota Hospital Association – have implemented strategies to help tackle physician burnout.
by Ashley Thompson, AHA Senior Vice President, Public Policy Analysis and Development
Axios' The poor state of U.S hospital quality (December 1, 2018) gives an incomplete view on the state of quality and safety in America’s hospitals and health systems.
by Maryjane Wurth
Long-standing players in the health care market, along with a growing number of new market entrants – including tech behemoths and aggressive startups – have driven a flurry of activity in the health care space in 2018. And the pace of this activity has only increased in the last six months of the year.
by Nancy Agee
Transforming a park overrun with drug dealers and gangs into a safe, open space for recreation and activities for all ages, including youth and older adults.
by Rick Pollack
AHA response to Modern Healthcare story "Flaws in reporting create knowledge vacuum regarding community benefits"
by Rick Pollack
This week, as our nation marked the passing of President George H.W. Bush, I thought about what he meant for the country and its health.
by Melinda Hatton
AHA Senior Vice President Melinda Reid Hatton examines why a recent study on hospital consolidation from the Center for American Progress misses the mark.
by Nancy Agee
Three years ago, the AHA launched the #123forEquity pledge campaign to accelerate progress toward improving health equity, asking hospitals and health systems to take action in three areas: increasing the collection and use of race, ethnicity, language preference and other socio-demographic data; increasing cultural competency training; and increasing diversity in leadership and governance. A fourth area – improving and strengthening community partnerships – was added last year. 
by Rick Pollack
Earlier this month, voters in exit poll after exit poll made it clear that health care is an important issue to them. And near the top of their list of concerns was the affordability of health care services. 
The birth of a child is and should be among the happiest events in a woman’s life.
by Rick Pollack
“When Hospitals Merge, Patients Often Pay More” doesn’t paint a full picture of the root cause of higher health care costs to consumers.
by Nancy Agee
We can work together to increase the number of people in our communities who have health insurance and the opportunity to reach their highest potential for health. 
In the midst of tragedy, our first responders – police, firefighters and EMTs – and the women and men of America’s hospitals and health systems stand strong, working to get victims out of harm’s way and into lifesaving treatment, sometimes risking their own lives in the process.
by Tom Nickels
As the industry “that generates higher profit margins than any other,” Big Pharma continues to price gouge consumers for life-saving drugs. One thing the pharmaceutical industry is not entitled to, however, is its own set of facts.
by Nancy Agee
I am grateful for the time and commitment that people working and volunteering in hospitals and health systems give to their communities every day.
by Rick Pollack
However, there’s still much to do.