Fire Door Inspection Resources
ASHE is developing resources to help members comply with new Conditions of Participation from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), which requires routine inspections of fire doors performed by "qualified persons." You don't need to have a special certification or third party training to be qualified, but ASHE is working to provide members with the information they need to create and implement door inspection and maintenance programs.
ASHE Education
Door Inspection and Maintenance Workshop
Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs) are looking at door maintenance programs in new and different ways. Although the code does not require anyone to have special training to inspect or maintain facility doors, this program will help ensure you are in compliance when surveyed, and will help you confidently discuss your door maintenance program when surveyors visit. Attendees will also receive a copy of the ASHE Inspecting and Maintaining Swinging Doors Handbook, a how-to guide to egress and fire door safety specific to health care facilities.
Click here for program dates & information on hosting.
Articles and Guidance
- Focus on Compliance: Fire door checklist
- Focus on Compliance: Hospital checklist for fire safety inspection, testing, and maintenance
- Advocacy Tools