ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2021, Ventilation of Health Care Facilities

ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170-2021 thumb

ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170 offers guidance, regulation and mandates to designers and operators of health care facilities. The revised 2021 edition incorporates 17 addenda to the 2017 standard. The updated standard includes the following significant changes: Revised scope, with improved guidance on thermal comfort conditions provided; Extensive modifications to address the Outpatient and Residential sections; Addition of a new outpatient ventilation table to address non-acute-type spaces; Extensive revisions to air filtration requirements; Addition of new columns in the ventilation tables to prescribe filtration requirement and designate unoccupied turndown; Expanded guidance on separation distance requirements for varied intake and exhaust arrangements, coordinating with related ASHRAE Standard 62.1 data;


Order Print Version Catalog number: 055595
Member: $100.00, Non-Member: $133.00
Order Digital version Catalog number: P055595
Member: $100.00, Non-Member: $133.00

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