Temperature and Humidity Control Tool

This tool is a draft policy to foster communication between key stakeholders affected by temperature and humidity in a sterile setting and the effects on patient safety. The tool is based on the white paper "Humidity Control Events in Periopertive Care Areas," 2019 by ASHRAE Technical Committee 9.6, Healthcare Facilities.



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Control Tool

Temperature and Humidity Control Tool

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ASHE authorizes the copy, use and customization of this template, by health care facilities for non-commercial use only. In consideration of this authorization, the user agrees that any copy of this document which the user makes shall retain all copyright and other proprietary notices that may be contained therein. ASHE accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or the completeness of the information in this document.


More to Explore

Read Article Check out the related HFM magazine article: Temperature and humidity for ORs and sterile storage

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