On-Demand Educational Webinars

A ventilation management plan will ultimately make the hospital a safer place for patients to heal.
A panel shares how adding systems and feedback loops for standards support an institution’s infrastructure knowledge base.
Embrace the unprecedented opportunity to prioritize diversity as providers seek to raise up the next generation of healthcare leaders.
ASHE’s Sustainability Program Manager Kara Brooks will provide a brief overview of the Energy to Care Program and new updates to the program offerings. In addition, Kara will provide a brief overview on sustainability before, during and after COVID-19.
Jonathan Willard, PMP, LEED-AP, Acute Medical Gas Services. This presentation will review the new requirements for identifying the responsible facility authority and the qualifications necessary for this position, as well as an overview of the Permit-to-Work system.
Just Ask ASHE service is an opportunity to get trusted answers to your compliance questions. Four times a year, ASHE will hold Just Ask ASHE webinars. A panel of code experts will discuss the latest compliance developments.
Jason Beers, Bob Loohauis, Steve Stuebe, Gary Dennis. This session will provide you with a better understanding of the CMS requirements for emergency preparedness for electrical power.