On demand resources for health care facilities compliance.
Learn how LS.02.01.35 plays a crucial role in maximizing patient safety during emergencies. Discover the impact of proper fire control measures.
Resources for health care facility professionals regarding fire and smoke barriers and their protective opening devices.
Obstructions of the Means of Egress [EP 13], Inappropriate Locking Mechanisms [EP 1], Improper Use or Designation of Suites.
Resources for facilities professionals to minimize danger from the effects of fire, including smoke, heat, and toxic gases.
Top eight physical environment standards identified by TJC that are frequently cited during surveys of hospitals and other health care facilities.
Resources to help hospitals address elements of performance in areas for EC.02.06.01.
EC.02.05.01 - The hospital manages risks associated with its utility systems
Information and mitigation tools and resources for relocatable power taps (RPTs), the most common cause for citations related to inappropriate electrical issues.
Mitigation tools and resources for emergency lighting in mission critical areas, which is vital and has been a repeated finding by the Joint Commission.