Lunch and Learn

Behind every wall, under every floor and in virtually every ceiling in a hospital you will find pipes. They are often forgotten because we rarely see them, but they could be described as the circulatory system of a building, delivering and disposing of vital fluids and gasses of this living and…
Grainger is committed to helping you keep your operations up and running during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. During this webinar Grainger and its key service partners HSS and BCS will present COVID-19 Pandemic Planning Strategies & Solutions for Consideration.
We will explore how to mitigate the risk of Legionella and other waterborne pathogens from POE to POU including the pros and cons of different solutions and the numerous factors that should be considered to create and implement the best solutions for your building's fit into your water management…
This webinar features Lisa Demetrius-Walker, the Microgrid Commercial Sales Manager for the Americas in the Hybrid Energy Solutions division at Caterpillar Inc. She will provide insight into this exciting technology and answer your questions about hybrid power technology and how it could impact…