Success Stories - Energy Treasure Hunt

Overview of Case Study

Searching for hidden treasure is fun, and you don’t need a shovel or metal detector to do it! In the past year, four hospitals have participated in ENERGY STAR Treasure Hunts, events that uncover energy-saving opportunities throughout a facility.

The most recent event was held at Northwest Hospital & Medical Center in Seattle in July. The hunt was part of an overall energy training session held after the ASHE Annual Meeting.

“ENERGY STAR Treasure Hunts are a great way for hospitals to uncover money-saving
opportunities,” according to Justin Carron, global segment director for Eaton, which
sponsored the Treasure Hunt training session. “And they help develop an overall culture of
energy conservation in the facility.”

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Related Resources

To execute a balanced energy management program, you must not neglect the procurement side of the business.
Energy efficiency—or energy productivity, takes a village or team to produce results.
This first step on the energy efficiency journey is viewing the hospital portfolio as from a mountaintop.
The self-funded approach to an energy sustainability program is often referred to as the “Long Push” because it is a multi-year, multi-phase program
Chillers can create a healthier health care environment, cut energy costs, and be tailored to fit almost any need.
Four teams of engineers and facility managers worked to identify hidden energy savings in the facility’s energy infrastructure.